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Text File | 1992-05-27 | 27.2 KB | 593 lines | [TEXT/EDIT] |
- TidBITS#115/06-Apr-92
- =====================
- In the fast moving world of Apple, you can never tell when Apple
- will fix an evil bug, offer something for free to owners of
- PowerBook 140s and 170s (new battery cases to prevent the
- batteries from catching fire), or even start a new promotion.
- All of those things happened this week, along with the
- late-breaking buyout of DataClub-maker IBS by network kingpin
- Novell. We also have an editorial on electronic privacy and a
- review preview of Nisus.
- Copyright 1990-1992 Adam & Tonya Engst. Non-profit, non-commercial
- publications may reprint articles if full credit is given. Other
- publications please contact us. We do not guarantee the accuracy
- of articles. Publication, product, and company names may be
- registered trademarks of their companies. Disk subscriptions and
- back issues are available.
- For more information send email to info@tidbits.halcyon.com or
- ace@tidbits.halcyon.com -- CIS: 72511,306 -- AOL: Adam Engst
- TidBITS -- 9301 Avondale Rd. NE Q1096 -- Redmond, WA 98052 USA
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- Topics:
- MailBITS/06-Apr-92
- Tune-Up 1.1, Just Get It
- Novell Buys IBS
- Personal, Not Private
- PowerBook Freebie
- Apple Announces New Promotion
- Nisus Review Preview
- Reviews/06-Apr-92
- [Archived as /info-mac/digest/tb/tidbits-115.etx; 27K]
- MailBITS/06-Apr-92
- ------------------
- To quote from the excellent movie "Spinal Tap," "it's a fine line
- between clever and stupid." I may have fallen off that fine line
- in writing TidBITS#114, because despite a few clues and hints, the
- fact that it was indeed our annual April Fools issue appears to
- have gone generally unnoticed. Almost everything in that issue was
- false - though often entirely possible and even intensely
- desirable - with the exception of the IBM marketing move (which
- was strange enough to be an April Fools joke), and the Dolch
- projection panel (which I used to make the last article more
- believable). Sorry folks, if I threw you for a loop.
- Oops
- [Open cultural mouth, insert foot. R.P. Aditya writes to set me
- straight on my analogies in TidBITS#113. Thanks for the
- correction, I really do appreciate it. -Adam]
- You talk about not using baseball analogies for fear of confusing
- your readers in the latest TidBITS, but you do use another analogy
- that seems appropriate but is in fact erroneous:
- You wrote:
- "And lest I confuse my imagery even more, a third
- hand of Apple Shiva (the many-handed Hindi god
- of reproduction and destruction, not the people who
- make the NetModem :-))"
- First, it is "Hindu" god not "Hindi" god; Hindi is the language
- and Hinduism is the religion. Second, Siva is not the many-handed
- god, but rather the many-handed god is Siva. To put that more
- correctly, the many-handed god is an incarnation of Siva most
- commonly called Nataraja. I think the spirit of your analogy is
- respectable, but your explanatory note is confused. Sorry for
- being so picky, but when you come across so many people making the
- Hindi/Hindu mistake, one starts to get pedantic.
- This certainly does not detract from your admirable and
- commendable newsletter. Thank you for this wonderful service.
- Information from:
- R.P. Aditya -- adram@ocf.berkeley.edu
- DiskExpress II/SuperLaserSpool Conflict
- Jonathan Feinstein of Shrink2Fit Software has contacted us again
- to report an oddity that users of DiskExpress II and
- SuperLaserSpool 3.0 may face.
- DiskExpress II, a disk optimization system extension (actually,
- it's a control panel) from ALSoft puts up a dialog box the first
- time it runs on your computer during the startup process.
- Basically, the dialog says, "Please read the manual! Have you read
- it yet?" and asks the user to acknowledge before it continues.
- When SuperLaserSpool 3.0, the newly-updated print spooler from
- Fifth Generation Systems, is loaded, though, DiskExpress II
- flashes this dialog on the screen and makes it go away unanswered.
- As a result, DiskExpress II does not load.
- Since this dialog box only comes up the first time you start up
- your Mac after installing DiskExpress II, you can avoid the
- problem entirely by removing SuperLaserSpool temporarily,
- restarting the computer, acknowledging DiskExpress II's dialog
- box, then reinstalling SuperLaserSpool and restarting again. It's
- likely that this problem won't occur if you've rearranged your
- extension loading sequence so SuperLaserSpool loads after
- DiskExpress II, but since it will be an issue only once,
- temporarily removing SuperLaserSpool is a simpler approach.
- Tune-Up 1.1, Just Get It
- ------------------------
- Apple released version 1.1 of the System 7 Tune-Up extension last
- week, and they strongly recommend that everyone using System 7.0
- or 7.0.1 use it. Tune-Up 1.1 _replaces_ version 1.0, and you do
- not have to install 1.0 before 1.1 or anything strange like that.
- Simply get a copy of Tune-Up 1.1 from your dealer, an online
- service, or a user group that distributes Apple software, and run
- the installer.
- Tune-Up 1.1 includes a new preventative fix for the extremely
- unpleasant disappearing files bug that has apparently lurked in
- the System for many years but only appeared under System 7.
- Unfortunately, it will NOT fix the disappearing files bug if your
- hard disk is already affected, but Apple is working on a new
- version of Disk First Aid to detect and solve this problem. Read
- the installation instructions on the Tune-Up 1.1 disk for more
- detailed information on how to determine if your disk has been
- affected by the bug (missing files and folders are also a good
- clue :-)).
- The entire Tune-Up package includes a new System 7.0 Tuner 1.1
- extension and a new version of the LaserWriter driver, version
- 7.1.1. It also comes with two files that have not changed from
- Tune-Up 1.0 - the StyleWriter driver 7.2.2 and Chooser 7.1.
- The LaserWriter driver 7.1.1 has three significant changes. First,
- it includes support for the new Personal LaserWriter NTR. Second,
- it fixes a compatibility problem between the previous version of
- the driver and the LaserWriter Plus. This problem manifested
- itself by forcing users to reinitialize the printer after every
- eighth print job. Third, the new driver fixes a problem that
- caused PostScript errors to occur under certain conditions when
- printing TrueType fonts. (It was probably a practical joke from
- Adobe. :-)) Apparently some third party printers using PostScript-
- clone interpreters have also had problems with the previous
- LaserWriter driver, but that's the fault of the PostScript clones
- and Apple is working with those companies to fix the problem
- separately.
- You can tell if you are working on a Tuned System by looking for a
- bullet after the System Software version number in the About This
- Macintosh dialog box. To find out the Tune-Up version you must do
- a Get Info on the Tuner extension itself. One other note about the
- Tuner extension - as long as the Tuner extension is in the
- Extensions folder, booting with the Shift key held down does not
- disable the fix for the disappearing files. So make sure you leave
- that extension where the installer puts it, but don't worry if you
- have to boot without extensions for testing purposes.
- Information from:
- Mark B. Johnson -- mjohnson@apple.com
- System 7 Tune-Up 1.1 documentation
- Novell Buys IBS
- ---------------
- by Mark H. Anbinder -- TidBITS Contributing Editor
- Novell, long a leader in the DOS networking software market,
- announced today that they have purchased International Business
- Software, a Macintosh software company that publishes DataClub, a
- popular package that allows Macs to share portions of their hard
- drives as a single, network-wide "virtual server."
- IBS and Novell have been negotiating for the last few weeks and
- finalized the deal late last week. Once the dust has settled,
- IBS's products will be known as "Novell DataClub Classic" and
- "Novell DataClub Elite." The Classic version offers peer-to-peer
- file sharing, and DataClub Elite adds the ability to link a
- dedicated server computer into the "club," plus remote
- administration software.
- Novell's move should give them a strong entry to the Macintosh
- market, one they've no doubt coveted. To date, Novell's only real
- offering for the Mac networking community has been add-on software
- for Netware file servers that allows networked Macs to take
- advantage of network services. The acquisition of IBS and DataClub
- will give Novell a significant presence in Macintosh-only
- networks, and will help with future networking plans between mixed
- Mac, Windows (we've heard that IBS is also thinking about a
- Windows version of DataClub), and Unix platforms. Competition with
- Apple's AppleShare server software will become more intense, and
- Sitka will have to enhance and differentiate its TOPS software to
- survive the 2000-pound Novell gorilla.
- Still in progress by IBS's developers is a utility that will allow
- DataClub Elite users to convert a stand-alone AppleShare file
- server into a dedicated member of a DataClub virtual server. The
- current version of the software allows such users to make only the
- free space on the AppleShare server part of the DataClub, or
- reconfigure everything manually (while losing any existing access
- privilege information), but this upcoming utility will allow
- network managers to automate the conversion process, and will give
- AppleShare servers easier access to the club.
- IBS -- 408/522-8000
- Novell -- 800/453-1267 -- 801/429-7000
- Personal, Not Private
- ---------------------
- I'd call it chilling, but others may have even stronger words for
- a recent proposal which could reduce the moderate level of privacy
- currently enjoyed by American computer users (along with American
- phone users). The Department of Justice has proposed legislation
- that would require telephone companies to engineer their equipment
- in a way that would facilitate wiretaps. This proposal apparently
- comes in response to the increasing difficulty of tapping phones
- that use digital networks over fiber optic lines.
- MacWEEK quoted Scott Charney, a computer crime specialist at the
- Department of Justice, as saying that the wiretapping proposal
- wasn't as dramatic as one might think because the nation was faced
- with requiring phones to allow taps or with condoning the use of
- phone by criminals. My incredulity upon reading that statement
- cannot be expressed in print and certainly not in 7-bit ASCII
- text.
- What do you mean we have to condone the use of phones by
- criminals?!?! We most certainly do have to condone the use of
- phones by criminals or anyone else who wants to use them. What we
- do not have to condone is crime. That's like saying we cannot
- condone the transmission of sound waves through the earth's
- atmosphere by criminals. The government could stop or eavesdrop on
- normal conversation too, but somehow I doubt the general public
- would be terribly pleased about having every moment of
- conversation monitored for signs of criminal activity. And here we
- thought that George Orwell's vision of eight years ago was fading
- with the demolition of the Berlin Wall and the dissolution of the
- Soviet Union.
- Of course, one future concern with such a technology requirement
- placed on the telephone companies is that everything passing in
- and out of a computer modem could be easily and automatically
- monitored for signs of criminal activity. And heck, once the
- government is monitoring for criminal activity, why not start
- scanning for other immoral bits of information like dirty pictures
- (after all, many of them are in violation of copyright law, which
- would be an excellent excuse for the government to monitor them)
- or discussions of the legalization of marijuana (I saw a post on
- that today in Usenet, so any monitoring of my phone line would
- have lumped me with drug dealers, another excellent excuse to keep
- monitoring my phone. Guess I'd better not run for political
- office.).
- One side effect of building such features into phone systems is
- that technologically-advanced criminals could in all likelihood
- circumvent safeguards placed on the phone systems and utilize
- phone taps for criminal or at least unethical purposes.
- Confidential business data would be no safer than personal
- conversations or even official government communications. Somehow
- I doubt the government as a whole wishes to open itself up to such
- abuses merely so the Department of Justice can more easily
- eavesdrop on potentially criminal conversations.
- Despite my position as a publisher of free information, I
- understand the needs for certain limitations on free speech.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes's quote in Schenk vs. United States in 1919
- still applies today. "The most stringent protection of free speech
- would not protect a man in [knowingly] falsely shouting fire in a
- theater and causing a panic." However, I think many abuses of free
- speech should be self-policing, so normal people with great ideas
- in the field of new computer viruses should realize the potential
- detrimental impact on society if they exercise their right to free
- speech. Free speech is not and should not be absolute, but any
- limitations on it should be very carefully considered, both in
- terms of practical application and future precedent.
- The government has yet to show that it understands the current
- electronic world and its culture enough to police that world in an
- informed manner. Until the government acquires that knowledge, it
- will continue to act and sound like Big Brother to people who wish
- that they had no siblings. In addition, the law enforcement
- community must recognize that fighting crime, though an extremely
- important governmental function, cannot and should not rise above
- societal concerns with privacy, just as it cannot and should not
- rise above societal concerns with basic human rights. We cannot
- afford to allow easily-tappable phone systems just as we cannot
- afford to allow unauthorized search and seizures or the use of
- torture to extract confessions.
- Information from:
- MacWEEK -- 23-Mar-92, Vol. 6, #12, pg. 4
- PowerBook Freebie
- -----------------
- by Mark H. Anbinder -- TidBITS Contributing Editor
- Late last week, Apple announced to its dealers that it will be
- offering a free protective battery case to all existing PowerBook
- 140 and 170 customers, as well as including one of these cases
- with each PowerBook 140/170 and 140/170 battery sold in the
- future. Apparently the non-conductive case is designed to prevent
- the battery from short-circuiting.
- The notice sent to dealers warned that batteries stored outside
- the PowerBook without any protective wrapping could short-circuit
- if metal came into contact with both battery terminals. This could
- result in burn injuries or fires. In the future, PowerBook 140/170
- batteries will bear a warning label explaining the danger and
- stating that the batteries must be stored in the protective case
- when not installed in a PowerBook.
- Apple is mailing letters to all registered PowerBook 140/170
- owners this week, explaining the situation and providing
- instructions on how the owners can obtain the free protective
- case. PowerBook owners may visit their Apple dealer to get the
- case or call Apple at 800/377-4127. Note that since dealers have
- just been informed of this, most won't have the cases on hand
- right away. If your dealer is not aware of the situation, please
- refer them to part number 076-0590.
- PowerBook 100 owners apparently don't need to worry about this
- issue. The design of the PowerBook 100's battery, which is
- different from the battery for the 140 and 170, may not be as
- susceptible to short-circuiting. The contacts on the 100 battery
- are recessed and not right next to each other; the 140/170
- battery's contacts are only a millimeter apart and thus may be
- more easily short circuited by a paper clip or some such object.
- However, PowerBook 100 owners still need to be cautious, and
- should avoid setting a battery down on a conductive surface or
- object.
- Apple Announces New Promotion
- -----------------------------
- by Mark H. Anbinder -- TidBITS Contributing Editor
- Special promotions seem to be all the rage at Apple these days,
- and Spring '92 will be no exception. Apple has just announced the
- new "Easy to Buy, Easy to Use" promotion, which will run from
- 15-Apr-92 until 5-Jul-92. Customers who purchase certain Macintosh
- products will be eligible for a special financing deal and free
- software.
- Customers purchasing any configuration of the Macintosh Classic
- II, LC, LC II, or any PowerBook with an Apple Consumer Credit Card
- need not make payments for three months and will not be assessed
- any finance charges on the purchase for three months. Also,
- purchasers of the Classic II, PowerBook 100, or PowerBook 140
- (though NOT the 170 or either LC model) will receive their choice
- of Microsoft Works, ClarisWorks, or Symantec GreatWorks, free of
- charge.
- The customer must get a special coupon from their dealer, fill it
- out, and send it to Apple along with their invoice in order to
- participate in this special offer. Apple will be checking that the
- invoices are from authorized resellers, so people who purchase
- from "grey-marketers," or non-authorized companies, will be out of
- luck.
- Nisus Review Preview
- --------------------
- by Matt Neuburg, CLAS005@cantva.canterbury.ac.nz
- (with comments by Adam C. Engst, ace@tidbits.halcyon.com)
- We're experimenting with a new distribution method with this
- review of Nisus. Quite frankly, it's not a program that can be
- trifled with in a review, and the TidBITS review will be rather
- long. Our reviewer, Matt Neuburg, didn't help matters by including
- extremely useful information that belongs not so much in a review,
- but in a third party book about the program. As a result, we're
- distributing this issue in three different forms. First comes this
- preview for people who don't know if they will be interested in
- reading the full review. Second will come the review, broken up
- into several issues to fit through gateways. Third and finally,
- the extended review, which includes the detailed nuts and bolts
- information that doesn't really fit in a review, will be submitted
- as a separate file to archive sites and file sections without a
- TidBITS issue number. Our apologies if this seems confusing, but
- it seemed to be the best compromise.
- Nisus Introduction
- Nisus 3.06, the dark horse of the Mac word-processing world, is a
- paradox. Devoted users world-wide swear by it; yet it remains
- relatively unknown, and in a comparative evaluation of word
- processors in the Sep-91 Macworld it was not ranked top in any of
- seven document categories. Nisus provides tremendous flexibility,
- and incorporates features borrowed from far pricier page-layout
- programs; yet it lacks some basic functions necessary to produce
- acceptable formal copy. It comes with a powerful macro/programming
- language; yet that language is nearly devoid of fundamental page-
- description capacities. Nisus is a pure original, a rethinking of
- the philosophy of word processing on the Mac from the ground up;
- yet its creators often seem not to have considered the most
- elementary needs of word processor users. It is the best of word
- processors; it is the worst of word processors.
- Nisus is cobbled together from so many elements, and its look and
- feel is so different from other word processors, that only a large
- description can give a fair sense of it. Imagine Nisus as three
- worlds piled upon one another, of which we will explore each in
- turn. The bottom is the hugely powerful search-and-replace and
- macro/programming capabilities from which Nisus derived its
- earliest incarnation (QUED/M). The top is a suite of page-layout-
- like capabilities such as page placing, graphic characters,
- updatable cross-references, footnotes, indexing, and so on. The
- middle is the word processor itself, where you see, navigate,
- edit, and format your document. The search-and-replace and macros
- are solid and worth buying the whole program for, and the word
- processor milieu is a brilliant tool for entering and editing
- text, but the page-layout features are, on the whole, badly enough
- constructed that you could not use Nisus as your chief word
- processor for generation of large formal documents. Nisus styles
- itself "The Amazing Word Processor," but I view it more as "The
- Amazing Text Processor;" creating and editing text is a blast and
- a half, but building certain types of complex printable documents
- may prove almost impossible.
- [See the next few issues of TidBITS for the full review.]
- Nisus Conclusions
- For large documents with layout needs such as tables, Nisus cannot
- compete with Microsoft Word. But it is perfect for what I bought
- it for: conversion of documents from other formats into Mac
- format. I would rather compose the basic text of a document in
- Nisus than in any other word processor I know. In fact, Nisus's
- search-and-replace and macro facilities are so handy and powerful,
- and its Rulers and Styles so convenient, that one is actually
- tempted to use it also as a sort of front end for Word.
- But although I love Nisus's look-and-feel, and give its creators
- an A for effort in their rethinking of how a word processor can
- operate on the Mac, the point I keep returning to is that despite
- my genuine longing to use Nisus as my sole word processor of
- choice, I cannot. Things that I find constantly necessary that are
- easy in Word - the writing and appearance of footnotes, placing
- paragraphs in complex ways, tables and side-by-side paragraphs -
- are clumsy, difficult, or downright impossible in Nisus. These
- things won't change until Paragon recognizes the problems and
- makes time to fix them, something which can be difficult for a
- small company that provides at least seven different language
- versions of its software. Those of us who want a word processor
- with the features needed to write a book without the expense of a
- full page-layout program are going to have to go on, for better or
- for worse, riding a different train. But don't forget: I wouldn't
- be writing these words if I didn't love so much about Nisus as to
- wish fervently that it _would_ fix its tables and footnotes and
- beat the pants off the Microsoft juggernaut.
- [Adam] I agree the footnote facilities could be better, and there
- are some quirks with the way styles and rulers interact at times,
- but when it comes right down to it those are document processing
- and page layout features. I feel that Paragon added those features
- to compete in the advertising check box wars with Word, not
- because they wanted to make Nisus into a serious page layout tool.
- Nisus is and always has been a text processor, not an document
- processing tool.
- I applaud Paragon's unique approach in writing a program that is
- not just another word processor because a large portion of the
- time spent creating any document must perforce be spent writing
- it. We _need_ better writing tools and Paragon has provided that.
- I'm even willing to jump to the other side of the fence and
- suggest that they should strip out all those things that are
- merely lip service to the great god of desktop publishing. (Matt:
- And in a way I agree; my whole point is that Paragon should either
- make its bells and whistles fully useful or eliminate them
- altogether.) I'm sure that Paragon is considering these comments
- and those from other users seriously and will deal with many of
- them in future versions of Nisus, although I have no idea when we
- might see that next version.
- Nisus's true calling will come when Nisus XS, the module for 3.06
- that will enable full AppleEvents and interapplication
- communication, ships sometime this spring. What I'd like to see is
- all those programs that require sometime significant amounts of
- text editing, QuickMail, uAccess, FileMaker, PageMaker, etc., all
- link to Nisus's text editing and manipulation tools so we can have
- an advanced writing environment no matter what we're writing. Too
- many programs use Apple's limited TextEdit routines. Let's face
- it, Nisus stands no chance of taking over the word processing
- market from Word, but it would be an incredible coup if suddenly
- all the major programs could link to Nisus and use its full power
- in whatever context made sense. I congratulate Paragon on
- providing a program that stands out, a program with a difference,
- and I encourage them to continue on their unique and often
- misunderstood path.
- Reviews/06-Apr-92
- -----------------
- * MacWEEK
- Sketch! 1.0.2 -- pg. 29
- GeoQuery 3.01 -- pg. 29
- DataPrism 1.7 -- pg. 34
- Brother HT-500PS -- pg. 34
- MyTimeManager 4.0 -- pg. 35
- DynoPage 1.7 -- pg. 35
- * MacUser
- Atlas Pro -- pg. 44
- DataPivot -- pg. 46
- Trackballs -- pg. 48
- MicroSpeed MacTRAC
- Curtis MVP Mouse
- EMAC Silhouette
- CoStar Stingray
- Appoint Thumbelina Mac
- Logitech TrackMan
- ultraSECURE -- pg. 50
- Empower II -- pg. 50
- Enhance -- pg. 54
- FontStudio 2.0 -- pg. 56
- Hard Disk Toolkit -- pg. 58
- Macintosh LC II -- pg. 78
- Personal LaserWriter NTR -- pg. 78
- Accelerated Video Cards -- pg. BG16
- CalComp ChromaVision QuickPlus
- E-Machines Futura MX
- Radius PrecisionColor 24X
- RasterOps 24XLi
- RasterOps 24XLTV
- SuperMac Spectrum/24 PDQ Plus
- SuperMac Spectrum/24 Series III
- SuperMac Thunder/24
- Color Printers -- pg. BG36
- General Parametrics Spectra*Star 430
- HP DeskWriter C
- HP PaintWriter XL
- Kodak Diconix Color 4
- Mitsubishi International CHC-S445
- Seiko ColorPoint PSX Model 14
- Seiko Personal ColorPoint PS
- Tektronix Phaser II PXi
- Tektronix Phaser III PXi
- Tektronix Phaser PX
- * Macworld
- Macintosh LC II -- pg. 136
- Personal LaserWriter NTR -- pg. 136
- Ethernet Boards -- pg. 150
- (too many to list)
- High-capacity Hard Drives -- pg. 156
- (too many to list)
- Adobe Premiere & Video Spigot -- pg. 172
- Aldus PageMaker 4.2 -- pg. 173
- CA-Cricket Draw III 1.0 -- pg. 176
- Tiles 1.01 -- pg. 176
- GraphMaster -- pg. 176
- DeltaGraph Professional 2.0 -- pg. 178
- MenuFonts 4.01 -- pg. 180
- Spectre -- pg. 180
- VersionMaster 1.0.7 -- pg. 182
- NEC Intersect CDR-36M -- pg. 182
- DataPivot 1.02 -- pg. 189
- Ringo LM 1.0 -- pg. 189
- Status Mac 2.0.2 -- pg. 190
- Maple V -- pg. 190
- Math Shop, Math Shop Jr., Advanced Math Shop -- pg. 191
- ScanMatch 1.01 -- pg. 191
- Taste 1.02 -- pg. 192
- QBlazer -- pg. 192
- ZP4 7.0 -- pg. 193
- Wallpaper 1.0.1 -- pg. 193
- Shanghai II: Dragons' Eye -- pg. 194
- Hot Keys 1.0 -- pg. 194
- AudioTrax -- pg. 195
- A Silly Noisy House -- pg. 195
- In Control 1.0 -- pg. 196
- Panorama II 2.0 -- pg. 196
- American Discovery -- pg. 197
- HardBall II -- pg. 197
- References:
- MacWEEK -- 30-Mar-92, Vol. 6, #12
- MacUser -- May-92
- Macworld -- May-92
- ..
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